who i was: grade 10.

there was a girl with curiosity spilling out of her every breath.

there was a girl who carries love for society, the world, and people.

there was a girl who didn’t care for limits

for she knew how much she could do.


there was a girl with eyes so wide and ready to learn.

there was a girl with arms open, anyone was welcome.

there was a girl who trusted, blindly.


there was a girl who had the ability to be something great, but did nothing about it.



there will be a girl who will continues to learn, feel, and be.

there will be a girl who carries love for anything and everything.

there will be a girl who doesn’t think of the limits.

because in her mind, the only limit she has is her thoughts.


there will be a girl who loves. endlessly.

there will be a girl who throws her headphones away and experiences the beauty of music in real life.

there will be a girl who doesn’t need to flip a coin. she knows exactly what she wants.


there will be a girl who doesn’t only recognize her ability to do something great, but does something about it.


there is a girl who knows nothing but her ability to feel.

there is a girl who knows no more than her love for the world.

there is a girl who knows the limits.

and works to break them.


there is a girl who barely knows who she is, let alone what she can and can’t do.


there is a girl who stays awake into the depths of the night, hoping a comet passes by in the pitch black sky.

there is a girl with so much love for her closest ones,

but no idea how to show it.


there is a girl who cares more about a hockey game than doing a tedious homework assignment.

there is a girl who values family over everything.

there is a girl who continues to change despite her desperate attempts at being one type of person.

there is a girl.

that girl is me.



Featured Image: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/545709679832453519/

Image #1: https://www.pinterest.ca/explore/city-lights/

Image #2: https://www.thinglink.com/scene/746399109098766336

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